
Human Behaviour

This category contains 5 posts

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is not limited to humans

I have noticed the FOMO abbreviation being used a lot over the past decade or so [1], especially on social media, as if it’s a new thing. But it is not. Fear of missing out goes back into evolutionary time. Anyone who has ever observed two or more cats or dogs will have seen this behaviour. … Continue reading

A good reason to make lists

From MakeUseOf [I]t turns out that the Zeigarnik effect is not, as we assumed for decades, a reminder that continues unabated until the task gets done . . . Instead, the unconscious is asking the conscious mind to make a plan . . . Once the plan is formed, the unconscious can stop nagging the … Continue reading

Research has found Australian babies can pick the different vowel sounds in a Canadian accent better than Aussie accents.

Researchers in Sydney have found that Australian babies sometimes struggle with a broad local accent and find it easier to comprehend someone from Canada. Continue reading

Sphygmomanometers not regularly tested

From http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2011/10/19/3342649.htm “Up to 70,000 Australians may have undetected high blood pressure because of errors in the devices that measure blood pressure, according to an Australian expert.” “Furthermore, 84,000 Australian adults may be incorrectly diagnosed as having high blood pressure, and are possibly being unnecessarily treated with blood pressure medications, he says.” “… once sold, there is … Continue reading

Google self-driving cars adopt “bad behaviours” to drive better

From http://au.pcmag.com/cars-products/26675/opinion/making-robot-cars-more-human “… Google has begun programming its fleet of self-driving cars to inch forward at four-way stops, lest the vehicles defer to more aggressive human drivers and sit too long at a stop sign.” {Emphasis mine} I think that this is a very clever and sensible adaptation by Google, but it says a lot about … Continue reading